ApiHug SDK spring data extension
Implement efficient and minimalist database interaction!
Configuration path:
; Configuration object: HopeDataProperties
Configuration | Note |
defaultUserIdString | Default User ID (String) |
defaultTenantString | Default Tenant ID (String) |
defaultUserId | Default User ID (Integer) |
defaultTenantId | Default Tenant ID (Integer) |
Default User ID and Tenant ID are retrieved from the context when data auditing is required. If not provided (e.g., for non-logged-in users), these default values are used.
User ID and Tenant ID must be of type: LONG
uses Liquibase
to implement version management and migration of database schemas (for development environments; production environments should be manually maintained).
Database Initialization - Execute Liquibase Database Migrations on Startup
Configuration fully utilizes Spring Data Migration regarding the spring.liquibase
Configuration path: spring.liquibase
; Configuration object: LiquibaseProperties
Configuration | Note |
enabled | Whether to enable Liquibase support. |
There is also a no-liquibase
profile setting that forces Liquibase not to start.
In production environments,recommend to switch off this flag
Table structure migration and generation configurations are maintained by the framework’s stub tasks, so development and testing environments can start without additional configuration.
ApiHug’s entire JDBC section is built on Spring Data JDBC.
Why not use more advanced ORM frameworks like JPA or Hibernate? Due to the inherent heterogeneity of applications and databases, overly complex database interactions (OLAP) can undermine the stability and robustness of core business logic.
Therefore, we directly use JDBC; this makes complex SQL operations through JDBC cumbersome and unpleasant (we provide an alternative OLAP solution).
The core OLTP is provided by Spring Data Repository, which offers a robust and mature solution.
Spring Data only provides the core concept of Repository for data operations, completing basic CRUD operations in a simple and clean manner.
ApiHug entity objects are defined using protobuf
, translated using the wire
command, and finally generated as entity classes in the application module through stub
Supports Jakarta & Spring annotations:
Generates the most standard POJO objects.
Class Name | Identify |
ALL | Supports all protocols listed below |
AUDITABLE | Auditable: CreatedAt, CreatedBy, UpdatedAt, UpdatedBy |
DELETABLE | Deletable: Deleted, DeletedAt, DeletedBy |
IDENTIFIABLE | Identifiable: Id |
TENANTABLE | Tenantable: TenantId |
VERSIONABLE | Versionable: Version |
NONE | No protocols |
When defining entities, you can weave in different protocols as needed. ApiHug will automatically add extra properties and maintain these value objects.
ORM frameworks allow developers to write cleaner and more concise persistence code and domain logic.
However, building a correct and type-safe query API is a design challenge for ORM frameworks.
The widely-used Java ORM framework Hibernate (similar to the JPA standard) introduced a string-based query language called HQL (JPQL), which is very similar to SQL.
The obvious drawback of this approach is the lack of type safety and static query checking. Furthermore, in more complex scenarios (e.g., when queries need to be constructed at runtime based on certain conditions), building HQL queries often involves string concatenation, which is usually unsafe and error-prone.
Are you tired of checking SQL syntax errors in production environments? SQL’s expressive power is strong, type-safe, and has rich syntax.
ApiHug sets a DSL for SQL, allowing the Java compiler to compile SQL statements, metadata, and data types, checking the correctness of SQL statements at compile time rather than at runtime, thus improving development efficiency and reducing runtime errors.
Achieving truly Typesafe SQL!
ApiHug SQL DSL draws from JOOQ, MyBatis dynamic SQL, QueryDSL, and other solutions:
meta-entity designannotation
entity annotationsCombining efficiency, practicality, and safety!
Equal Code implementation:
final Buildable<SelectModel> selectStatement =
// Base on specific account
.where(SYSTEM_PLATFORM_ACCOUNT_ROLE_MAPPER.AccountId, isEqualTo(accountId));
The core interface in the Spring Data abstraction is the Repository. It takes the domain class to manage as well as the identifier type of the domain class as type arguments. This interface acts primarily as a marker interface to capture the types to work with and to help you to discover interfaces that extend this one.
Spring Data considers domain types to be entities, more specifically aggregates. So you will see the term “entity” used throughout the documentation that can be interchanged with the term “domain type” or “aggregate”. As you might have noticed in the introduction it already hinted towards domain-driven concepts. We consider domain objects in the sense of DDD. Domain objects have identifiers (otherwise these would be identity-less value objects), and we somehow need to refer to identifiers when working with certain patterns to access data. Referring to identifiers will become more meaningful as we talk about repositories and query methods.
ApiHug combines SimpleJdbcRepository
extends springframework.SimpleJdbcRepository
A simple Student
entity Repository
public interface StudentEntityRepository
extends HopeJdbc<StudentEntity>,
ListCrudRepository<StudentEntity, Long> {
In existing business systems at the database interaction layer, besides the inherent heterogeneous nature of the database world and the application world, another complexity arises from the indistinction between OLTP and OLAP.
As mentioned above, ApiHug uses the most basic JDBC for OLTP, and DSL solves type safety. So how does it address OLAP?
Inspired by CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) from DDD (Domain-Driven Design), ApiHug presents:
CQRS is an architectural pattern that separates command (modifying data) and query (reading data) operations.
Thus, OLTP and OLAP should naturally be separated, even if they are based on the same data source! Even if some logic needs to be re-implemented, ApiHug recommends the following practices:
The DSL example code mentioned above is a great illustration.
What about the underlying technology? It is based on mybatis-dynamic-sql and the Spring extension NamedParameterJdbcTemplateExtensions.
The template classes are all generated uniformly by the stub
command, allowing the business layer to simply wire
in the logic. Isn’t that convenient?
Involves serialization and deserialization of non-primitive
data types, such as list objects and Enum type values.
Class Name | Remarks |
BigDecimalListReaderConverter | BigDecimal List deserialization |
BigDecimalListWriterConverter | BigDecimal List serialization |
BooleanListWriterConverter | Boolean List serialization |
BooleanListReaderConverter | Boolean List deserialization |
ByteListReaderConverter | Byte List serialization |
ByteListWriterConverter | Byte List deserialization |
DateListReaderConverter | LocalDate List serialization |
DateListWriterConverter | LocalDate List deserialization |
DateTimeListReaderConverter | LocalDateTime List serialization |
DateTimeListWriterConverter | LocalDateTime List deserialization |
DoubleListReaderConverter | Double List serialization |
DoubleListWriterConverter | Double List deserialization |
FloatListReaderConverter | Float List serialization |
FloatListWriterConverter | Float List deserialization |
IntegerListReaderConverter | Integer List serialization |
IntegerListWriterConverter | Integer List deserialization |
LongListReaderConverter | Long List serialization |
LongListWriterConverter | Long List deserialization |
ShortListReaderConverter | Short List serialization |
ShortListWriterConverter | Short List deserialization |
StringListReaderConverter | String List serialization |
StringListWriterConverter | String List deserialization |
TimeListWriterConverter | LocalTime List serialization |
TimeListReaderConverter | LocalTime List deserialization |
In addition to the built-in converters, you can also extend them. By defining Enum value types through proto
, the framework has already pre-generated the relevant converters and automatically registered them in the context.
For instance, if there is an AccountStatusEnum
enum type, ApiHug will automatically generate and register the following converters:
Class Name | Remarks |
AccountStatusEnumReaderTitleConverter | AccountStatusEnum deserialization by title |
AccountStatusEnumWriterTitleConverter | AccountStatusEnum serialization by title |
AccountStatusEnumListWriterConverter | AccountStatusEnum List deserialization by title |
AccountStatusEnumListReaderConverter | AccountStatusEnum List serialization by title |
You can implement pagination queries using Criteria + Pageable:
default Page<Account> queryPlatformAccount(QueryPlatformAccountRequest request, PageRequest pageParameter) {
Criteria criteria = EasyCriteria
.and(, request.getName()))
.and(EasyCriteria.eq(Domain.Email, request.getEmail()));
return findAll(criteria, page(pageParameter));
To be done 🏗️