How to start a new project with ApiHug Api design Copilot

Project Wizard

ApiHug - API design Copilot provides a highly friendly and intuitive project template to kickstart your API development. It guides you through step-by-step creation of API projects that adhere to best practices.

01-Start ApiHug Project

  1. File
  2. New -> Project
  3. ApiHug
Start project from ApiHug Plugin

02-Project Settings

  1. Project settings
    1. package
    2. name
    3. description
  2. SDK Settings
    1. version
    2. DB Vendor
    3. Cache
    4. Port
ApiHug Project Settings

03-Spring Settings

This is a standard Start Spring configuration:

  1. Select Type
  2. Choice the components for example Spring Web
ApiHug Project Spring Settings

Eventually click Create -> Open Project to open the project


  1. ApiHug101-Bilibili
  2. ApiHug101-Youtube