1. Core Principles
  2. Integration and symbiosis, maximizing value

To be done 🏗️


The full exploration and utilization of existing resources and experiences bring benefits:


Save time and effort. Reconstructing or rebuilding existing systems can be a wasteful and redundant process. By leveraging existing solutions, you can focus time and resources on solving new challenges, adding more value to the project.


Reconstructing or rebuilding IT solutions can be costly. It requires significant investment in development, testing, and maintenance. By leveraging existing resources, you can reduce costs and allocate budgets more effectively.

Quality and Reliability

Existing mature systems have usually undergone extensive testing, improvement, and optimization over a long period. They have gone through multiple development cycles, bug fixes, and user feedback. The accumulated experience means that existing resource frameworks and processes have higher quality and reliability.


Existing resources and systems, needless to say, have already been adapted by end customers (such as the habits of office software users). Everyone in the organization, from top to bottom, has become accustomed to them. They have been tested for operability, compatibility, and integrability and are very mature.

Community Support

Existing widely used technologies and platforms often have extensive community support, which means you can access documentation, tutorials, forums, and other resources to help you solve problems, learn best practices, and gain support from other users.

Innovation and Collaboration

Build on existing resources and platforms while encouraging innovation and collaboration. You can focus on adding unique value, customization, or integration to meet specific needs. This amplifies innovation and provides a deeper foundation for collaboration.

As mentioned above, building on existing resource systems is also a respect for existing teams, organizations, and cultures, where empathy is most prominently reflected.

Almost everyone prefers to start a project from scratch rather than take over a legacy system, which is the debate between Brownfield and Greenfield development. There are also many people who try to overthrow existing systems and architectures, trying to redesign and plan entirely in their own way.

Starting a project from scratch is a rare opportunity, and trying to completely deny and redo is mostly proven to be unsuccessful. Not to mention whether the business allows it or the boss fully supports it, just from a cost control and ROI perspective, it is already unfeasible.

Under the principle of empathy, we should integrate (not compromise) with existing systems, play to our strengths and avoid weaknesses, Leave the code better than you found it.

The ApiHug team, drawing from almost 16 years (as of 2023) of enterprise development experience, believes that embracing innovation is not just about adopting new technologies but also honoring the enduring legacy of pioneering industries. We understand that the pursuit of technology and products is boundless. Hence, we enthusiastically embrace existing standards, technologies, frameworks, tools, and experience. We consider ourselves facilitators, enabling existing resources and expertise to unleash their full potential in novel ways.
